Monday, December 8, 2014

Alien Name

This projects is a great project for children of any age. It can expand their imaginations and open their minds to new ideas. 

The assignment was to write my name on a folded piece of paper, outline my name in a way that connects all the letters together, and the cut out my name. Open up the folded piece of paper and there I had my little alien. 

The next step is to decorate your alien, then create my alien's world and decided what makes my alien and it's world beautiful. 

The beauty in my alien's world is simplicity, color, and creation. Everything is very basic and simple because sometimes simple things are more interesting and more fun than something complicated and packed full of detail. 

My alien's world has a sun that shines down color throughout the world, the tree is something fun and new, and my alien is beautiful because she has color and she is simple. 

A tutorial for this project can be found here

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