Monday, December 8, 2014

Chinese Brush Painting

We learned about and were shown examples of some amazing Chinese brush paintings. We were then shown how to do the three different strokes that make up a bamboo plant and how to make the ink. We were given little Chinese brush kits with ink to grind, a grinding stone, and some paint brushes. 

On rice paper I created a little bamboo jungle. I loved being able to grind my own paint and make the color I wanted. 

My first layer of bamboo was a very very light color to show depth. I then just kept darkening the ink to create darker shades of colors to have bamboos that appeared closer and closer. 

I really enjoyed this project because it was different than anything you normally see in a classroom. It was fun to get to make my own ink and to learn the traditional paint brush strokes. 

A tutorial for this project can be found here


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