Monday, December 8, 2014

Milk Jug Mask

In African cultures, African masks are traditionally used for special ceremonies and rituals. 

This was an awesome project and perfect for the classroom! 

Everyone brought their own milk jug to class. We observed and learned a little about African masks, and then we were off to make our own. 

First, I decided what part of the milk jug I wanted to use and cut out the shape of my mask.

Second, I covered it masking tape, paying very careful attention to the design of my tape. 

Third, I rubbed brown shoe polish all over the mask. I did multiple layers of shoe polish to make my mask a nice bark-like dark brown.

Fourth, I added my paint (after the shoe polish dried).

Fifth, I punched some holes in the top of the mask and added my grassy hair. 

Like I have said before, I really like simplicity. To me, most of the time less is more. I did not want to clutter up my whole mask by painting the whole thing. I liked my texture and design I had already created with my tape, and I just wanted to add to that. I think that just a little paint was the perfect touch to finish off my mask. 

A tutorial for this project can be found here

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