Monday, December 8, 2014

Aboriginal Art

Australian Aboriginal Art is a visual form of recording and retaining significant information made by indigenous people of Australia. Aboriginal art is made up of symbols and has a wide range of medians. This art form is is based on important ancient  stories and stands as a written language. It is used for teaching, but one cannot paint a story that does not belong to them. 

For this project, we had to think up our own symbols to tell a story
 or journey from our own lives. 

The journey I chose was my daily journey of life because when I am in school, almost every day is a new journey that is very similar to the day before. I wake up each morning, get ready for the day, hike the hill up to campus, eat snacks and food throughout the day, sit under a nice tree in the shade and do my homework, go to class, in the evening I watch the stars and I go to bed. 

I used a brown paper bag like paper, tempera paint, paint brushes, and the eraser of a pencil for the stippling.

This project was a little hard for me at first just because I did not know what kind of journey I wanted to document. I had to think of something ordinary and turn it into something interesting. Telling a story should be something exciting and interesting, so I had to make my art into something fun. 

A Tutorial for the project can be found here

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