Sunday, December 7, 2014


A Mandala is a ritual and spiritual symbol in Buddhism and Hinduism
that represents the Universe. 

For class, instead of having our mandalas represent the Universe, we had them represent ourselves. This was the first project we did in class, so we used them to introduce our self to the class.  

To make our project a mandala, we needed to follow a few requirements. We needed to have a focal point or a center and radial balance and symmetry. 

Starting in the middle, I have a pink flower. I love flowers and the color pink. Also, flowers remind me of fruit, and fruit is my favorite food. The black and the red thick lines represent the lines on maps because traveling is my passion. Sunsets are one of my favorite things to see and they also remind me of all the many different sunsets I have seen on my travels. The blue is to represent water, because I love to swim, and to represent the night sky along with the moons and the stars. I absolutely love star gazing because it gives me a better outlook on life. The sail boats are to represent the little doodles I do when I'm thinking or bored. The yellow swirls are to show my favorite color yellow, the lolly pops are to represent my love for children, and the rain drops are to represent my love for rain and the seasons. Overall, my mandala looks like a sun because the sun lights up the world and makes my world a happy place. 

I used many different mediums because different mediums give different textures, and illusions, along with a different flow throughout the piece. 

A tutorial for this project can be found here.

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