Monday, December 8, 2014

Wire Sculpture 

Our theme for this project was 'The Carnival'. Everyone in the class was suppose to pick something that they would find at the carnival. 

At first I was really excited for this project until I started struggling while working with the wire. I went through three different ideas and poorly made sculptures until I ended up making my cute little unicycle. 

I wanted something that I knew no one else in my class was doing. 

While I was making my tire, I decided to use multiple pieces of wire to create the illusion of the tire moving. 

I think that this is a super fun project and a great thing to do as a class. My class's end display turned out so cute and nice when everything from the carnival was together. 

For younger kids I think that pipe cleaner or a softer wire would be much more appropriate. 

A tutorial for this project can be found here.

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