Monday, December 8, 2014

The Non-Objective Square 

The requirements for this project was to create a line from one corner of the square to another corner. I could pick the color of my square and I could use any medium I liked. 

I chose the color yellow because yellow is not only my favorite color, but it also makes me happy and brightens my day. 

I decided I wanted my square to be different from everyone else's squares. I wanted mine to be unique and attractive, yet I wanted it to be simple. Sometimes, less is more, so simplicity is a great way to go. 

For my line, I chose to create an implied line. I took an x-acto knife to the first layer of my canvas and exposed the white underneath. I then used a sharpie to create the gray lines going in other directions. 

For the class critique, everyone gathered together and we placed our squares together to create one big shape and design. It was interesting to see how different everyone's projects were, even though we were all given the exact same instruction and restrictions. 

I really enjoyed this project because it was so open-ended. I was given very few and very simple instructions, and the rest of the project was up to me. I could create almost anything I wanted. 

A tutorial for this project can be found here.

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