Monday, December 8, 2014

Gesture and Contour Line Drawings

 ^ Gesture ^

^  Contour ˅

Gesture and Contour Line Drawings are just simple sketches. 

Gesture drawing is sketch that involves large movements and a loose arm. It is a rough sketch that can almost show movement in search for the objects real shape. Multiple lines, or one continuous line is used without any erasing. 

Contour line drawing is not as loose of a drawing as gesture drawing. More time is taken to create a contour line drawing, there are not as many lines involved, and erasing is allowed if needed. When doing a contour line drawing, you are trying to create an outline to the object you are trying to portray. 

I liked doing both of these simple projects because it was a nice little reminder on how to create a nice sketch. Sometimes, when I am trying to do a simple sketch, I get too caught up in the detail, when in fact, the fine details do not matter at this stage. It is refreshing to draw a simple, and possibly even somewhat messy sketch to get a feel for the object's shape. 

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